0131 3485717 (Edinburgh Office)
17 - 19 Leslie Street, Blairgowrie PH10 6AH
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The Scottish Parliament, and John Swinney MSP, are not responsible for the content of external sites:

Find out about how the Parliament is run - management groups, policies and publications, procurement, allowances and finance...
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The devolved government for Scotland has a range of responsibilities which include: health, education, justice, rural affairs, housing and the environment. Some powers are reserved to the UK government and include: immigration, the constitution, foreign policy and defence.
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Tayside Health Board was established in April 1974 and is responsible for commissioning health care services for the residents in the geographical local government areas of Angus, Dundee and Perth and Kinross. The Board’s boundaries are coterminous with these local government areas, which had a combined population of 405,721 based on mid year 2011 population estimates published by the General Register Office for Scotland.
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Police Scotland was formally established on 1 April 2013 and is responsible for policing across the length and breadth of Scotland, some 28,168 square miles. Police Scotland is the second largest force in the UK after the Metropolitan Police.
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Perth & Kinross Council operates a Customer Service Centre providing you with a single point of contact to handle certain types of service enquiries and transactions.
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Citizens Advice Scotland, our 61 member bureaux and our consumer helpline together form Scotland’s largest independent advice network. We help more than 300,000 people solve their problems each year in communities everywhere from city centres to the Highlands and Islands. And we look at the problems people bring to our advice services and campaign for change where it’s needed most. We work for a fairer Scotland where people are empowered and their rights respected.
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The city of Perth is open for business and the Invest in Perth team can help you and your business to relocate or expand within the city region. If you would like more information on what Perth has to offer - Get in touch today!
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As a member-owned organisation, Perth and Kinross Credit Union has a volunteer Board of Directors that shapes our strategy and policies. Board members give their time for free. The day-to-day management and operations are delegated to our manager, Anne Walker, and a tea m of volunteers.
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We’re all responsible for the energy we use in our homes. Whether you’re a homeowner, private or social renter, student, or you live at home with your parents, there are many things you can do to reduce how much energy you use and how much is spent.
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As Scotland's Ombudsman, we handle complaints about public services in Scotland including councils, the National Health Service, housing associations and cooperatives, universities and colleges, most water and sewage providers, prisons, the Scottish Government and its agencies and departments, and most Scottish authorities.
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We were established in 1949 and are financed by our members without any funding from government.
All Scottish practising solicitors are members of the Society and are required to meet our high standards. We also have an important duty towards the public interest.
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The introduction of the Legal Profession and Legal Aid (Scotland) Act 2007 created the Scottish Legal Complaints Commission or SLCC and we opened for business on 1 October 2008. We provide a single gateway for complaints against legal practitioners operating in Scotland and aim to resolve complaints quickly and effectively.
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Pete is the Member of Parliament for Perth and North Perthshire and was previously the MP for North Tayside from 2001-2005.
The Perth and North Perthshire seat was created after the 2005 Westminster boundary changes in Scotland and takes in East and Highland Perthshire, the City of Perth and the Carse of Gowrie. Pete holds the seat with a majority of 9,641 over the Conservatives, 50.5% of the vote in the 2015 General Election.
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Perth and Kinross has 12 multi-member wards, each with three or four local councillors, depending on the geographical size of the ward and the number of residents within.
A total of 41 Councillors are elected by proportional representation by Perth and Kinross communities to represent them.
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Community Councils are voluntary organisations that have a role in law to represent the views of the local community on issues such as planning applications.
If there's a hot topic which gets your neighbours talking - a proposed housing development, maintenance of local footpaths or improving local facilities - then this is something the Community Council could get involved in.
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