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Publised date : 20 Jan 2017

Scottish GovernmentPerthshire North MSP, John Swinney, is reaching out to local sports clubs to encourage them to submit early applications to save money on water charges for 2016/17 and 2017/18.

The Scottish Government’s Water and Sewerage Charges Exemption Scheme is open to charities and amateur sports clubs, with those receiving an income of less than £200,000 exempted from all water and sewerage charges, while those with an income of between £200,000 and £300,000 can receive a 50% discount on their wholesale charges. Since 2015, over 7,700 charities and sports clubs have saved some £4million, every year.

Commenting, Mr Swinney said:

“The New Year is often seen as a time to check the finances and possibly tighten the purse strings, so there is no better time for local charities and sports clubs to apply to save money on their water and sewerage charges.

“Thousands of charities and sports clubs are already benefiting across Scotland and I hope that every organisation in Perthshire North that is eligible for this scheme is taking full advantage of it. The more money that these local organisations can keep to reinvest in their activities, and their local community, the greater level of service they will be able to provide.

“Applications for 2016/17 can still be made, but time is running out. I would encourage any local groups to get their applications in for this year, and next year, if they haven’t already done so.”

Charities and community amateur sports clubs must apply each year to the Scheme. Applications can now be made for the 2017-18 scheme. Applications for 2016-17 can continue to be made up until 31st March 2017.

Further information on the exemption scheme is available at:


Funding, Charity, Sport
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