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Publised date : 23 Jul 2015

Special Alyth surgery arranged

Following the devastating floods in Alyth last Friday, Perthshire North MSP John Swinney has pledged his continued attention to resolve the issues of concerns to local residents. The local MSP has organised an additional drop in surgery for constituents in Alyth on Friday 31st July 2015 from 5-7pm in the Town Hall, Alyth.

Mr Swinney said:

"Having been in Alyth on the day of the floods last Friday, I saw at first hand the immediate devastation of the event. I was also able to see the work of the emergency services and Perth and Kinross Council in resolving the immediate issues and in taking forward some of the implications for local people.

"It is very important that a sustained opportunity is available for constituents to raise any concerns they may have and to resolve any outstanding problems. For that reason I have arranged an additional drop in surgery in Alyth at the Town Hall on 1 August from 5-7pm. No appointment is necessary but advance notice to my office would help to avoid people waiting a long time to see me.

"I am determined to ensure that every member of the public who needs the assistance of their Member of the Scottish Parliament is able to do so. I have already addressed a number of issues raised with me and pledge to continue to do so in the future.

"The aftermath of the flood has been marked by an outstanding level of community action to resolve the implications and I pay warm tribute to everyone who has been involved. They have all operated in the great tradition of community service that exists in Alyth."

Mr Swinney's office can be contacted at 35 Perth Street, Blairgowrie, by telephone on 01250 876576 and by email


Local Communities, Flooding, Local Government, Emergency services
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