Publised date : 31 Oct 2019

Perthshire North MSP, Mr John Swinney, has joined forces with the HEAT Project Blairgowrie, Rattray and the Glens to warn Perthshire residents to be vigilant of door-to-door energy salesmen.

Mr Swinney’s intervention follows several elderly constituents contacting his office to report visits by cold calling salesmen. All of the constituents stated that they were concerned by the evasive nature of the salesmen and their pushy approach.

In response, Mr Swinney contacted the HEAT Project, a Blairgowrie-based organisation that provides free, expert and impartial energy saving advice. The HEAT Project confirmed that they had received similar complaints from local residents.

Commenting, Mr Swinney said: 

“Over the past fortnight I have been contacted by multiple constituents, who have all expressed similar concerns regarding door-to-door sales practices from cold calling energy salesmen. 

“Perhaps most worrying is that several of the constituents that have been in contact with me could be described as vulnerable, and as a result some were quite distressed following their experience.

“Accordingly, I would encourage all of my constituents to be particularly vigilant. If you have any concerns or feel that you have been the victim of such sales tactics, please contact my office or the HEAT Project directly and we will be happy to provide further guidance.”

Martin Mathers, Project Manager of the HEAT Project, added:

“Energy bills are an increasing concern for a lot of people, so the offer of free insulation or even a new gas boiler can be very tempting.

“It’s worth noting that there are genuine schemes to help households become more energy efficient, and The HEAT Project can offer advice regarding these initiatives. Moreover, we can also help anyone dealing with cold callers.”

Local News, Energy, Charity
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