Publised date : 24 May 2023

Perthshire North MSP, Mr John Swinney, and Perthshire South and Kinross-shire MSP, Mr Jim Fairlie, have met with Perth College UHI Principal, Dr Margaret Cook, to discuss proposed job losses and course reductions at the institution.

Additionally, Mr Swinney and Mr Fairlie spoke with staff who will potentially be affected by these proposals. 
Commenting in the aftermath of the meeting, Mr Swinney said:

“It was helpful to meet directly with the the Principal to discuss the plans announced this week. I was keen to get a better understanding of the rationale behind these proposed redundancies and course reductions, and to put forward directly my concerns relating to these plans.

"Additionally, we have spoken with college staff who will be affected by these changes. I am eager to continue engaging with any constituents who will be potentially impacted by these proposals, and would ask that they contact my office directly should they have specific concerns they wish to discuss.

"I will continue to monitor this situation going forward and remain committed to working with staff to offer any assistance that I can."

Mr Fairlie added:

“I am deeply concerned about all and any forecasted redundancies at UHI Perth, and when meeting the Principal, I also raised the issue of how the loss of the nursery will create a barrier for young parents who either currently or potentially want to access courses.
“I will be keeping a close eye on developments of what is clearly an issue that will have a huge impact on students and staff at UHI Perth, and the wider community.  In the meantime, I am keen to hear from all constituents about their specific concerns.  I’m arranging to meet with representatives from the student association HISA Perth to hear their thoughts about what is being planned.”

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