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Publised date : 25 Aug 2020

Perthshire North MSP, Mr John Swinney and Councillor Mike Williamson (SNP) met yesterday with representatives of Rannoch Community Trust to discuss their acquisition of the Kinloch Rannoch Outdoor Centre building.

The meeting, which took place following Perth and Kinross Council’s agreement to sell the building to the local community for £75,000, allowed those in attendance to discuss the Trust’s development plans and possible funding streams going forward.

The Rannoch Community Trust’s plans include repurposing the building with a pub, restaurant, meeting spaces and a bunk house.

Commenting, Mr Swinney said:

“I was pleased to meet with representatives of the Rannoch Community Trust, and to learn more about their exciting plans for the former Outdoor Centre building.

“The Trust’s plans could have a transformational impact on the local village, providing a multi-purpose hub that will benefit individuals, local groups and the community as a whole. I am particularly drawn to the idea of establishing a local pub and restaurant, which is something that the village has lacked for a number of years.

“I am thankful for the Trust’s commitment to this project, and will be supporting them in their efforts to raise the necessary capital both to finalise the purchase of the building and to refurbish it to the necessary standard.”

Mr Williamson added:

“This an exciting opportunity for Kinloch Rannoch, and I’m sure the whole community are supportive of the efforts of the Rannoch Community Trust.

“I welcome the council’s agreement to sell the building to the local community, and I truly believe that it can act as a focal point for the village for years to come.

“I will continue to do all I can to ensure that this project progresses as quickly and smoothly as possible.”

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