Publised date : 08 Dec 2018

Perthshire North MSP, Mr John Swinney, has today highlighted the millions spent on mitigating Tory welfare cuts by the Scottish Government. Mr Swinney’s comments come as new figures revealed that a total of £528,214 was paid to people in Perth and Kinross under the Discretionary Housing Payment scheme during the period 1 April to 30 September 2018.

In Perth and Kinross, the Scottish Government gave assistance to 1070 people in receipt of housing benefit or universal credit, with an average award value of £520. A massive £388,612 was spent solely on mitigating the Tories’ hated Bedroom Tax 

The Discretionary Housing Payment scheme provides financial assistance towards housing costs for those claiming housing benefit or the housing element of Universal Credit. 

Between April and September, local Authorities in Scotland made a total 100,635 awards under the DHP Scheme, with a total value of £56.9 million and an average award of £565.

Commenting, Mr Swinney said:

“These figures provide further evidence of the cost of protecting people from the very worst impacts of UK Government welfare reform, and make clear that the SNP will always stand up for a fairer welfare system which treats people with respect and dignity. 

“It shouldn’t fall to the Scottish Government to mitigate the impact of damaging Tory policies like the bedroom tax – but we know that providing a lifeline for families and individuals who are struggling to make ends meet is the right thing to do. 

“Instead of being left trying to convince an uncaring Westminster government to recognise just how wrong their welfare cuts are, the Scottish Parliament should be making all decisions on tax and social security for ourselves.”

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